Thursday 30 August 2007

Favourite Me Picture...

Well this is my favourite photo of me..yep i guess you could say its
Funny how when i dress up this way i feel so comfortable..Its not practical for everyday cant see the sleeves on this top they taper down and flow..Like cobwebs..
I dont like being photographed. There are very few photos of me on my pc as i tend to be the one taking them more often than not. I have many of various friends, relations and of course the kids which i cherish.
All the usual ones of course like First this and thats and events that happen like birthdays etc.
So thats how i found my hobby of scrapbooking..i love photos and i love making creative pages.

1 comment:

Terrie Farrell said...

Didn't know you had a blog hun! Starting to stalk now. X