Saturday 1 September 2007

Back to school...

I am so glad the kids go back to school in the next couple of days..
My Boo starts nursery so i get to have some "Me" time..I cant remember the last time i went out without the two girls in tow..So how will i spend my time ? Im going to see if i can get a job tutoring for the two afternoons im free.
I have a list of what i want to do and since passing the City & Guilds in adult tutoring id love to go on to do a Certificate in education or a Cert Ed as its commonly known.
I need to have a few hours tutoring first so my first step is approaching someone who can help me on my way.
My second choice is going to do A level phsycology and become a councellor..not sure where i could go to do that but im willing to go to night school if need be
My third choice is to learn sign language and a foreign language..Chloes doing french this year and id love to be able to help her out so a refresher course would be ideal. Andy can speak french at o level grade and i wish id stuck at it when i had the chance.
My forth choice is to work in an old peoples home..I love old people they are so full of history and need to be respected and looked after in their twilight years. Im a caring sort of person and think id be ideal for it.
My fifth choice would be to work as a teachers assistant..i had a taster of that when Chloe started school and i actually enjoyed helping the kids to read and count.Chloe could already read the key words and alphabet before she went to reception class at 3 years old as well as counting to 20 and knew all the colours.Now its backfired as she cant be bothered with school..its too easy.
My 6th choice is to work at the local prison/ childrens home as a visitor or tutor.Not been met with much enthusiasm by all who know me though for various reasons i wont go into at the moment.
If all else fails i will be working in the local supermarket, not that theres anything wrong with that at all..i spend more time in there than any other

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