Saturday 8 September 2007

Week of Frustration!

I have had a week where i feel like Alice running in the water to get dry!
I went to the local college with a friend and found a course which is perfect for me BUT i have to be tutoring for at least 30 hours before i can enrole.I have been trying frantically all week to do this and have been banging my head up a brick wall.
Im onto plan B now which is to find out how to start my own course in the area im in and then i can enrole.So i need to get in touch with those in the know and see what happens from then.
I have been offered a course on creative writting..well ive been told many times i could write a im going to enrole in that to keep me occupied while Boo is at Nursery.
So all week was taken up writting letters and running about..

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