It's a tag with a difference
Here are the rules:
1. You have to post the rules before you give your answers.
2. You must list one fact about yourself beginning with each letter of your middle name. (If you don't have a middle name, use your maiden name).
3. After you are tagged, you need to update your blog with your middle name and your answers.
4. At the end of your blog post, you need to tag one person for each letter of your middle name. (Be sure to leave them a comment telling them they've been tagged and that they need to read your blog for details.)
Its at times like this you curse your parents for giving you such a long name!!!!
So here goes
F i have a fiery temper
L Lazy Moo..I hate hw and do anything to get out of it
O OMG Im a boring person!
R definatley a rebel..i do things i shouldnt all the time
E Excitable in a scrap shop
N Nasty..i can be a bitch when im provoked ..
C clever but pretend to be thick so i dont get asked to do anything..
E Everyone who knows me knows im a nice person
Well today is sunday..i have been tagged and i have no one to tag back..Helen has done everyone i
Its really sunny here and i love the sun..when the days are dark and gloomy my mood drops so fast its like tipping over a bottle of milk. But today im up there with the world and im actually smiling.
Yesterday we went to Cambridge to pick up some fish equiptment and then clothes shopping for the Boo ,she is growing at an alarming rate and so i decided to throw out her old clothes and restock with stuff that actually fits. I hate shopping for clothes but luckily Boo is easily pleased you just show her the item and say do you like this and its either yes or no..simple really ..Unlike Chloe who has to try everything on and twirl around looking at herself all not looking forward to shopping with her before the
We ended up at the garden center in the craft section and i didnt buy anything.I spent it all on come first in our house and fish come
Last week was half term and i went to visit mum and dad..Boo loves going to theirs as my dad has snakes and reptiles and she is totally in love with snakes of any kind.
My mum gave me a steam iron..i hid the last one so i didnt have to use it but this one is too big to i will have to start ironing again..Thanks Mum xxx
I also got my nephews address and i wrote out a letter last night to him but im in two minds wether to send it.
My nephew has been a bad boy and is serving time at HMP...I dont see how i can help him in any way as the damage to his life was done so long ago that hes destined to be in and out of the institution..The system has failed him and so have his parents. My dad says dont get involved as it will bring trouble to my door and hes right but a part of me feels sorry for the lad.I mean hes had such a crap childhood..i doubt even therapy could help him..He has been in trouble before and when he came out i got him some new clothes and tried to give him some he goes to stay with my brother in one of the roughest areas of town..All the familys you see in the court briefs live the poor lad didnt have much hope.
When i lived there i would get involved in everyones troubles and try to help as best i could but i moved away to start a new life and look in and out occasionally..i dont get involved anymore as you cant help anyone who wont help themselves.
My older bro is unhappy but he sits there wallowing in self pity instead of doing something about it. I was scared to change my life but getting divorced made a new person outa me. I caused a lot of heartache and destruction and lost a lot financially but at least im happy now..I know i did the right thing.We only have one life and its ours to do with what we please.If youre sad find out why and change it.
My younger bro has had yet another hic up in his married life..well im not suprised 7 kids can do that to you..hes another selfish little bugger who needs a kick up the ass every now and then.I feel sorry for his kids..what a bloody great role models they by 16 and married, no job no education, a home that kim and aggie wouldnt touch with a barge pole and no self respect.
His boys are totally out of control and i can see me writing to them inside when they get older.
I guess youre sitting there thinking im a self rightious bitch well so you should because i have my priorities right..My kids come first and yes they are spoilt but then i didnt have kids to make money on them.
Right long post going to make a coffee and do something constructive while the sun is shining